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League RUles

General Rule's:

“The Gentleman's Rule” How this works is you call your own foul. So if you caused a caution, you must own up to it and the guilty driver will be sent to the back of the pack. If nobody owns up to causing the caution our admins will review the incident post race and whoever is found at fault will be docked 5 championship points. If the incident is deemed to be just a racing deal then no penalty will be issued. A self spin is not a racing deal and will be penalized. 

 "The Winner" The winner will be given an E.O.L for the next race.

"Lucky Dog" Iracing will control the wave around"s/lucky dog.

"Temper" Keep control of your temper. Any harsh words/threats or intentional wrecking and you will be removed permanently from the league.

"Audio" We ask that you have sound ON and some way to communicate to our admins, race control and other driver's during a race or practice. Preferably a clear speaking mic/headset but not a must.

Green Flag's

- The initial start will begin on the drop of the green flag.

- Any restarts after that, the leader will have control of the start AFTER the peace car has all four tire's clear of the yellow line.

- No jumping the start.  ( Admins will be monitoring )

- Any driver who does jump the start will be given an E.O.L


- When the caution is thrown, all driver's must catch the pace car as      soon as possible while doing it safely so other driver's may enter the    pits in a timely fashion.

- Iracing  will control all wave arounds

- Black flag's will not be cleared unless unwarranted 

Pit Lane

- Please stay as far to the right down pit road untill 5 stalls from your pit.

- Use your relative box when exiting the pits for safe entry

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